Every year I try to make a Christmas donation to my favorite charity – Heifer International, a wonderful organization that purchases animals (from bees to buffalo)as well as veterinary care and training for impoverished families the world over. (Read more on their site.)
This year it’s a bit harder for me to donate than usual, since I’ve made the transition to being a self-supporting artist. Many of the friends with whom I used to go in on an animal purchase are in the same financial situation.
It seemed to me that this was an opportunity – for me to make things, for you to purchase something lasting, and for a family in the larger world to benefit from it! For the month of December, I will be creating and then selling watercolor paintings of animals (as often as I can manage!). When I finish, I’ll count up what’s been raised and then buy the most animal possible!
My offering today: an enemy of many of the animals Heifer sponsors, a fox! Little does he realize that his dastardly deeds will ultimately be doing good.
This craft fellow is on sale at Etsy for $40. It is a lovely little painting, and I will guarantee arrival by mail to any part of the world in time for Christmas, and that it will be packaged fancy-like.