All contents ©Dylan Meconis 2018.


Those Crazy Kids

Created: 15 May 2012 / Categories: Bite Me!, Comics, Development, Drawing, Sketchbook

I’m in the process of making a thing, and that thing involves drawing the characters from Bite Me! I don’t think I’ve drawn them in at least a couple of years. It’s like riding a bicycle. A very goofy bicycle.

The most fun part is transposingthem to another period. Ah, the 1940s; the last time everybody had good hair. I grew up watching Humphrey Bogart movies, so it all feels very cozy and familiar.


Family Man: Page 251

Created: 10 May 2012 / Categories: Comics, Family Man

Page 251 of Family Man is now online!

Since Family Man is an ongoing comic that updates once weekly, I like to feature a teaser detail from each week’s page. I look at all this art zoomed in so far during the long production hours that, when I see it in actual web resolution, I can be a little surprised at how much is no longer visible. It’s a good reminder to myself to keep moving, rather than wasting an hour drawing every individual hair.

But sometimes it’s fun to show off the little fiddly bits.


Portland Opera: Candide

Created: 08 May 2012 / Categories: Comics, Drawing, Essays, Sketchbook

Last night I had the pleasure of attending the Portland Opera “Drink and Draw and Tweet” event – where a bunch of cartoonists and bloggers are invited to attend the dress rehearsal of the latest production and record their impressions. This time we all got to see Leonard Bernstein’s operetta Candide. A big treat for me, since I’ve read Voltaire’s book multiple times over the course of my education.

It’s a wickedly black comedy and a great show. I had a blast and filled almost a quarter of a sketchbook with doodles! Below, for your perusal. (Or see it as a set on Flickr.)


Spring Cleaning

Created: 30 Apr 2012 / Categories: Appearances, News, Store

Welcome to the new site! I thought it was time for a facelift. I’ve done so much work over the past couple of years that there was too much to show off in just one post. Please click around and explore; there’s new work in every category on the site, and every page is either new or features new content. If you run into any errors or missing links, please comment in this post, and I’ll fix it right up.

In the meantime, here’s a quick list of some recent news.


  • Eisner nomination! My short comic, Outfoxed, has been nominated for a 2012 Eisner Award for Best Digital Comic. TheEisner Awards are the marquee awards for comics published in the English language. I met Will Eisner when I was a teenager just getting started in comics, and his graciousness and enthusiasm were quite a gift from an elder master of the medium. News about a print version will soon be forthcoming. Read it online here. 
  • I recently illustrated The Fifth Musketeer, a book for Lerner Publishing. It’s a choose-your-own-adventure book featuringthe Three Musketeers! There are thirty pages of comics and dozens of illustrations, and it’s a total blast. It was also colored by my friend Jenn Manley Lee, so you know it’s good. You can order it online now – it’s a great book for a reluctant reader or a book-loving kid who’s interested in comics.
  • I’ll be appearing at the first-ever Vancouver Comic Arts Festival (VanCAF) on Memorial Day weekend – May 27/28. This will be my first professional appearance in British Columbia. I absolutely love Canadian comic book readers and I’m very excited to be part of this festival’s launch.

Lastly, I’ve added all sorts of new art prints to my store in recent weeks. If you’re ready to stop staring into empty space and instead stare at some high-quality cartoon drawings, I am here to help. Here’s a little selection below, or you can visit the store to see the whole spread!



Family Man: Page 240

Created: 03 Feb 2012 / Categories: Commerce, Family Man

Preview of Page 240

Page 240 now online!

Oh, we are not done yet! You have no idea how not done we are, in this scene.

This week’s news! Behold, the Family Man site now has a shiny new Donate page, accessible from the top menu. If you enjoy the comic, have a few bucks rattling around, and would like to contribute, please take advantage. Donations directly enable me to devote my professional time to the comic, and also eat delicious tacos while doing so.

Goddess Prints!

Likewise! Brand new in the Store is a lovely print set featuring my first four goddess illustrations! Four powerful ladies from around the world, available for a limited time. They’ll start shipping on the 15th, soget your orders in now.
