All contents ©Dylan Meconis 2018.


Happy Presidents’ Day!

Created: 21 Feb 2011 / Categories: Drawing, History, Pictures

Happy Presidents Day!

In my defense: sometimes these things just happen when you’re an illustrator. With an eccentric brain.

This little abomination is up for sale on Etsy if you’re looking to decorate!

Family Man update!

Created: 17 Feb 2011 / Categories: Books, Family Man

Preview of Page 210

Page 210 now online!

Hmm whoops, remember that? Well, Ariana does, at any rate.

Newsy news! I will still be at ECCC in a couple of weeks; I’m aiming to have a fancy new print by then!

More importantly – Dark Horse Comics has taken over the publishing duties for Carla Speed McNeil’s absolutely wonderful series Finder. If you haven’t read Finder, you’re missing out on possibly my most favorite ongoing comics work, ever. Friends, if I could, without fear of legal reprisal, eat the heart and subsequently steal the powers of any comics pro: Carla would be on Maryland’s organ transplant list in a skinny minute.

Finder Library Volume 1

Now she’s being edited by my lovely friend Rachel Edidin over at DH, and goddamn it, I am not going to stop screeching at people about it until everybody involved is rich and famous.

Dark Horse has a new website online for the series, and you can pre-order the first volume of the collected Finder and Voice, the latest story from the series already, both at heart discounts. I don’t need to tell you what to do.

Family Man update!

Created: 11 Feb 2011 / Categories: Family Man

Preview of Page 209

Page 209 now online! (NSFW)

Oh, those kids. Those kids and their hanky-panky. People wore a lot of clothes back in the 18th century! And since they had a slightly healthier attitude about sex than their Victorian descendants, you can be sure that a lot of man-hours went into taking them off.

No big news this week from my quarter this week! I’m starting to pull material together for the Emerald City Comicon on March 4-6, and I’m working on the writing side of a couple of projects as well as doing inventory, getting back into singing, and performing other distinctly human tasks. It’s good to get a little downtime.

What sins will be committed in next week’s page? Stay tuned!

Family Man update!

Created: 04 Feb 2011 / Categories: Books, Family Man

Preview of Page 208

Page 208 now online!

…all I’ll say is that some pages are more fun to draw than others.



Erika Moen has started her new webcomic with Jeff Parker, Bucko! NSFW fun for the entire family, provided that your entire family likes sweetly lewd murder mysteries that make fun of area hipsters.


And freshly hatched in print, Sarah Oleksyk‘s wonderful comic Ivy is now out from Oni Press. Ivy is a refreshingly flawed teen protagonist who makes some important but excruciating discoveries about love, art, and growing up. Absolutely recommended – stop by your favorite retailer and pick up a copy!


And lastly, I recently I had the chance to attend a dress rehearsal of Portland Opera’s production of the Puccini opera Turandot along with many of my fellow local cartoonists, on the condition that we all produce some silly drawings. You can see my contributions on Flickr.

Family Man update!

Created: 29 Jan 2011 / Categories: Family Man

Preview of page 207

Page 207 now online!

Well, now that I am capable of standing up quickly without my sinuses trying to come out my ears, here is this week’s (soon to be last week’s) page.

I’m all sold out of Spinoza patches – thank you for the orders, everybody. And now to bed with me.  Still a bit on the recovery.  Definitely giving that headcold an A for effort!
