All contents ©Dylan Meconis 2018.

Family Man

Family Man update!

Created: 18 Jun 2010 / Categories: Books, Family Man

Preview of Page 184

Page 184 now online!

Erika refers to the poses in the bottom panel as “Disco Inferno”.  She has a point. Although at this period in history it would probably be a Waltz Inferno.

The word from my printer is that the book has come off the presses and looks great – it’s in line at the binding machine today and should be shipping to me early next week.  That means we have arrived at your last chance to get a free sketch in your copy!  Once the book stops being a preorder and starts being a, well, order, I’ll only be drawing in books at conventions or as part of a fancier package. Thank you again to all of you who made the book possible. I’ll be dreaming up promotional ideas all this month.

Happy Solstice, all!

Family Man update!

Created: 05 Jun 2010 / Categories: Family Man

Preview of page 182

Page 182 now online!

This page is late, but there’s no kissing in it anyway, so I doubt that anybody is shedding tears. Instead there is a passage from Hosea as quoted by the apostle Paul. Sexiness factor: ZERO PERCENT.

It’s sunny out for the first time in ages and I’ve blown most of the day coloring in 18th century lecture attendees. So I’ll bid you adieu until the next page!

Family Man update!

Created: 28 May 2010 / Categories: Books, Family Man

Preview of page 181

Page 181 now online!

I know that you all just read the comic for the bird cameos.  So this is a little fanservice for you all.  What, you were expecting kissing?  Please.

But that is the end of this scene!  Phew.

The book is in its final rounds of pre-press adjustment before it goes to print.  Wish me luck getting it all wrapped up, and have a lovely holiday weekend, Americans!

Created: 21 May 2010 / Categories: Books, Family Man

Preview of Page 180

Page 180 of Family Man now online!

Behold, a page!  Thank you for your patience as I put it up late.  I’m still working on book files and that’s been a consuming task – so consuming, oh lord.  Hopefully I will put it to bed this weekend, but if not I’ll take next week off to guarantee timely delivery of the print files and to catch up on store orders.

Arrrrrrrrr so ready to get this book off to the printer!  So…ready…

Family Man update

Created: 14 May 2010 / Categories: Books, Family Man


Family Man page 179!

One swapped video processor and my computer is back in action, and my noble attempt to switch to updating on Fridays at last sees some vindication.  Thank you for your patience with the two week update drought!

I’m working to get the book’s files off to the printer this coming week; if nervous exhaustion sets in I might have to surrender, but I’ll give it the old college try, because, hell, I’d like to see how Ariana responds to a speech like this.

(And for those of you who can’t even remember the page before this one, here it is.)
