
Family Man page 167.

Holy mackerel am I ever tired, down to the tips of my fingers.  If this week’s page weren’t one of the “round white object near the center of the page” motif transition pages (…you noticed that, right?  Yes, you did, there’s a good reader) and if I hadn’t already drawn and scanned it before I became my dad’s home nurse for two weeks, the update would look like this:

[inserted obscurely dispirited post to Twitter here.]

Which, incidentally, will be what next week’s update looks like, because there is no chance, in hell or elsewhere, that I will have the equipment or opportunity to put a page together.  But this is what family is for, and helping my dad heal up after his knee surgery is not going to be something I regret anytime soon.  Be kind to your kneecaps, gang, because getting that joint replaced is definitely not any kind of fun.

See y’all soon!  Wish me luck caring for my favorite gimp.