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Erika refers to the poses in the bottom panel as “Disco Inferno”. She has a point. Although at this period in history it would probably be a Waltz Inferno.
The word from my printer is that the book has come off the presses and looks great – it’s in line at the binding machine today and should be shipping to me early next week. That means we have arrived at your last chance to get a free sketch in your copy! Once the book stops being a preorder and starts being a, well, order, I’ll only be drawing in books at conventions or as part of a fancier package. Thank you again to all of you who made the book possible. I’ll be dreaming up promotional ideas all this month.
Happy Solstice, all!
June 18 2010 / 1:26 pm
In fairness to the guys in the last panel, the only people I see holding their hands up are holding torches in them, so it’s not like it’s deliberate pose on their part (if they held the torches chest level, it would likely become a personal inferno).